Monday, 22 September 2014

“In the Beginning: The Akinlolu Years- The History of Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo-Ojurin, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007-2013" A book written by Sesan Michael Johnson


About the book

It is helpful to think of the local Church historian’s task as a research into a congregation’s DNA, and its particular characterisation. No doubt, the present-day character of a local Church often has deep historical roots. Hence, this book surgically looks into the microcosm and internalities of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo-Ojurin, Ibadan, Nigeria.  It x-rays the visionary affirmativeness that laid the foundation of the church, the organization and the people that orchestrated it. It throws lights into how God protected and preserved his people from the beginning to the present day so as to bring about the sure accomplishment of his redemptive purposes in Jesus Christ.

The vision to establish the branch was birthed during the leadership of the then Zonal Superintendent, Reverend Gabriel Olanrewaju Akande of blessed memory. Paradoxically, the church was founded on April 01, 2007. As a trained historian, the author believes that history is progressive. Calculatedly, he opts for chronological historiography - writing style, though; he takes a swipe into some thematic issues. This historical writing only covers April 2007 to July 2013.


Deservedly to all pioneering members and all the members of Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo-Ojurin;

To the memory of Reverend Gabriel Olanrewaju Akande;

And in appreciation of the grace of God upon His Church.


I am indebted to so many people for the emotional and spiritual support that made this historical work successful. Many thanks go to Reverend & Pastor (Mrs.) Isaac Folarin and the Church Advisory Council for their approval and support for this work. Significantly, I specially appreciate Pastor (Mrs.) Titilade Akintola, Mrs. Aderonke Akinbileje and Reverend Akinlolu Akintola for their time during the oral interviews conducted with them in the course of writing this book.

I also thank my dad & mum who taught me how to write and brought me up in the way of the Lord. I will not fail to appreciate the spiritual and ministerial tutelage of Reverend & Pastor (Mrs.) Akinlolu Akintola and Reverend & Pastor (Mrs.) Isaac Folarin. In the same vein, I acknowledge the training given to me by my professors and teachers at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife. Finally, I thank my wife (Oyebola Rachael) for her belief in me and his constant prayers. My daughters (Ayomide and Ayomiposi) and son (Ayoyimika) have all been sources of inspiration and encouragement.

 A Word from the Author
“And now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever.” - Isaiah 30:8

“It seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus.” - Luke 1:3


I got no doubt about the sovereignty of God over all of history (Isa 46:8-11). History is His story just as much as that of humanity and the cosmos. Therefore we have an opportunity through the study of the history of a Church to see how God protected and preserved his people from the beginning to the present day so as to bring about the sure accomplishment of his redemptive purposes in Jesus Christ. Without mincing words, God’s works are mysterious; hence, it is very difficult to elucidate, however, writing the history of a Church helps us to see through those acts of obedience, walks of faith and the likes by men and women and how these had attracted divine actions. Taking a censorious look into the history of a Church, one will observe concretely that the Christian faith is historical in character – dealing with real people in real places in real time (Luke 2:1-2).

Without mincing words, for me this project was both challenging and daunting. As a trained historian, I knew that not all of the stories I will tell will be uplifting or even positive; they may present some difficult realities that require some hard works on the part of the pastors and people. However, as a historian and a Christian, I am fully aware that as a writer, my aim is to be a truth-teller, armed with appropriate sensitivity as well as a bit of holy boldness.

As a trained historian, I believe history is progressive. Calculatedly, I chose to adopt chronological historiography in writing the history of this Church, though, I took a swipe into some thematic issues. This historical writing only covers April 2007 to July 2013. Though, I did my best in capturing the history of the Church in this historical period, yet, I am of the opinion that other Church historians can still revisit this period, hence, this work will serve as one of the important sources that can be relied on.

Fundamentally, it is my belief that this work will be helpful to the local Church, Foursquare Gospel in Nigeria and the universal Church of Christ. Evidently, it will open up new opportunities for proper appreciation of God’s miraculous works and concerted efforts of individuals and families, and also golden opportunities for reflection and recommitment.

Blessed be the name of the Lord and thanks to the Church congregation and leadership for their blessings and support for this project particularly as the Church celebrates her seventh anniversary.

As you read this work, I wish you an exciting reading moment.
And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." - Revelation 21:5


Yours sincerely,

THE VISION: Occupy Till I Come

No Church is born in a vacuum. Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo/Ojurin (Chapel of Faith) is a ‘baby’ of the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria. The Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria operates under the auspices of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. The Foursquare Movement was founded by Aimee Semple Macpherson in 1923 and the international headquarters of the movement is located in Los Angeles. Reverend Glenn Burris Jnr. is the current president of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and Reverend Felix Meduoye is the General Overseer of the Church in Nigeria.

Aimee Semple McPherson was born in 1890 in Ontario, Canada as the only daughter of her parents, James and Mildred. Her mother had a call for ministry but later got engaged as a nurse in the home of the Kennedys to care for the wife. After Mrs Kennedy’s death, the fifty year old Mr. Kennedy proposed to young Mildred (also called Minnie). When members of the Salvation Army Church came to visit her mother after Aimee birth, they reported the death of Catherine, the wife of General William Booth. She was dedicated at the Church when she became three weeks old.

Young Aimee got married to Robert Semple on 12th August 1908 in her family farm house in Ontario and later described him as ‘my theological seminary, my spiritual mentor and my tender, patient, unfailing lover’. Robert worked in a factory by day and preached by night.  Robert preached while Aimee played the piano, sang and prayed for the converts. The couple went on mission work to Hong Kong in 1910. There, Aimee and her husband contacted malaria, on August 17, 1910, two months after arriving at the mission field, Robert died leaving Aimee alone with her pregnancy which she delivered a month later on September 17, 1910 and named her Roberta Star.

She re-married on February 28, 1912 to Harold. While in an intensive care unit of a hospital, she started preaching and finally left home for ministry in 1915. For seven years, she crossed the United States six times and between 1917 & 1923 she preached in more than 100 cities with meetings ranging from two nights to a whole month. 

The missionary work of Foursquare Gospel Church was brought to Nigeria in 1954 by Revd Harold Curtis and his noble family. He started a vocational open air Bible School in front of his resident with three of the founding fathers as pioneer students namely: Revd James A. Boyejo, Revd. Friday C. Osuwa and Revd. O. Odunaike. The teachers were Sister Margret Season, Revd Curtis and his wife, Faye.

The first place of formal worship was at no. 68 King George Avenue known as the Yankee bar and it was inaugurated on 31st October 1955. The first set of worshippers included: Revd Harold Curtis, his wife – Faye, Revd Margret Season, Brother S.O. Odunaike, Brother J. Boyejo, Revd F. Osuwa, the sons of the Curtis – Roland and Gerald and other Bible school students. The first national pastors were Revd F.C. Osuwa and Revd J.S. Boyejo whose salaries were paid by T.L. Osborn for one year. The work continued in earnest. The second church was established at Idi-Oro in 1961 by Revd F.C. Osuwa. It later became the first Lagos Divisional (District) headquarters at Shomolu.

Organically, Akobo/Ojurin- Foursquare Gospel Church is situated within Ibadan District and Iyana Zone. Iyana Zone was created in 1990 during the tenure of the then Ibadan District Overseer, Reverend J.A. Adesina (1990 -1993). The zone was then named Iyana Zone II headed by Pastor Dr O.A. Agbede. The zone grew in leaps and bounds and became the missionary zone of the district to the extent of creating many zones from it. In line with the spirit of ‘Barley Harvest’ and ‘Decade of Multiplication’, Iyana Zone had given birth to the following zones (Molete, Shalom, Iwo Road and Lagelu).

When Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo-Ojurin (Chapel of Faith) was born, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was the President of Nigeria, with Chief Abubakar Atiku as the Vice President and Chief Alao-Akala as the governor of Oyo state. The Church is located in Lagelu Local Government Area of Oyo state within Ibadan city. The Church is invariably opposite Oludegun Petrol Station; close to Alao-Akala junction which transverses Okebadan Estate.

The vision to establish the branch was birthed during the leadership of the then Zonal Superintendent, Reverend Gabriel Olanrewaju Akande of blessed memory. This was a period when Reverend Adedimeji A. Adegbesan was the District Overseer of Ibadan District and Reverend Dr W.A. Badejo was the General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria. Reverend Adedimeji A. Adegbesan succeeded Reverend Idowu Obakin before moving to Abeokuta in 2003 as the District Overseer and he was succeeded by Reverend E.O.O.O. Adejoro El-Shaddai in 2010. In 1999, Reverend Dr W.A. Badejo succeeded Reverend Faronmbi and in 2010 he too was succeeded by Reverend Felix Meduoye as the General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria.

The vision to establish Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo/Ojurin fell within the season of Barley Harvest in Foursquare Organization in Nigeria. The vision of Barley Harvest as an evangelistic drive came during the leadership of Reverend Dr W.A. Badejo as the General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria and it was designed to forge an aggressive drive for mission and evangelism, as well as rapid Church planting within the Foursquare fold. Evidently, this movement orchestrated the planting of so many Foursquare Churches in Nigeria.  

Also, the vision came at a time Ibadan District bequeathed a land to Iyana Zone. Reportedly, a land was released as a gift by a woman to the Foursquare Organization at Lagos. Reportedly, the release of the land by this woman was a fulfilment of her vow she made when she received a miracle from the Lord. Afterwards, ownership of the land was transferred to Ibadan District. Hence, there arose the need to put the land into use. Coupled with this is the fact that as at this point in time there was no Foursquare Gospel Church at Akobo axis of Lagelu Local Government Areas of Ibadan.

According to reliable sources, in order to start Akobo-Ojurin Church, each Church in Iyana Zone (this was before Iyana zone was delineated into three) was asked to ‘donate’ at least a member/family. Subsequently, Iyana Zonal headquarters Church released Pastor Akinlolu Akintola and his family as the founding pastor; likewise, Bashorun Church released the family of Mrs Ronke Akinbileje. Thus, these two Churches were the ones that responded to this clarion call for the release of members. Hence, the Church was started by these two families from Iyana and Bashorun Church.

Founding Members: Reverend Akintola family (from Iyana Zonal headquarters Church) and Akinbileje family (from Bashorun Church): (Reverend Akinlolu Akintola, Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola, Tijesunimi Akintola, Glory Akintola, Kehinde Akintola, Taiwo Akintola, Mrs Ademulegun, Mrs Ronke Akinbileje, Jesumbo Ayanfe, and Ibukun Akinbileje – (Four adults and six children).

The LAND: The Location of the Church
The land upon which the Church is located is a gift to Foursquare Organization. From the National and District headquarters the land was allocated to Iyana Zone and thereafter to Akobo-Ojurin Church. With the release of the land to Iyana Zone, the then Zonal Superintendent put machineries in motion. The land was cleared and a temporary shed was put in place to accommodate the worshippers. 

In the words of an observer, “on the day of the inauguration of the Church, I saw some of the worshippers sitting on the walls that demarcated the land the Church was situated from the other landed properties nearby but the sound of the tambourines and the clapping of hands as well as the lifting of joyful voices in the praises of God Almighty inspired me that day that I must join the Church”. To the glory of God at this point of writing, the observer is currently the scribe of the Church.

However, by 2008 when construction started on the land, a land speculator stopped the work and demanded for one million and two hundred thousand naira (#1.2 million).The case was reported to Iyana Zonal headquarters. With the intervention of the zone and that of one of the Church neighbours, a sum of one hundred thousand (#100,000) was eventually paid.  Thereafter, work commenced to the glory of God.

THE FOREMAN: Pioneering Pastor

Pastor Akinlolu Akintola (now Reverend) is a man that have been prepared for the work that was about to start at Akobo-Ojurin in 2007. He was born to the family of late Sergeant Simeon Olusegun Akintola and late Mrs Taibat Akintola in Ibadan on the 8th day of February, 1968. Though, he had a Muslim background, he got born again in the year 1981 at the age of 13 at Foursquare Gospel Church, Oke-Bola, Ibadan.

He attended Oyo state Co-operative College, Eleeka, Oyo between 2002 -2003 and later went for his Diploma course in 2004 – 2005. He bagged Higher National Diploma (HND) in Co-operative and Economic Management from Federal Cooperative College, Eleyele (2007- 2011). He also, attended Mount Zion Institute of Christian Drama in 1992 for certificate in Christian Drama. He attended LIFE Theological Seminary for Certificate in Theological Education (1995) and Bachelor of Theology, B Th. (2004). He, also, earn Advanced Leadership Certificate from Haggai Institute of Advanced Leadership (2011).

He had served in different areas of Christian ministry: Head-Usher, Children Teacher, Youth president, Drama Group Leader, Choir, Sunday School Teacher, Church Council Member, Church Secretary, House Fellowship Pastor, Assisting Pastor, Chairman Planning Committee at various level, Pastor-in-Charge, Zonal Mission Co-ordinator, Zonal Treasurer and District Board Secretary (2000).

He was the pioneering Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church, Agboowo (September 1999 – November 1999), Foursquare Gospel Church, Ifesowapo (2002 – 2003) and he was part of the pioneering team of Egbeda Church, Iwo Road Church, and Kusela Church. Pastor Akinlolu Akintola got married to former Miss Titilade Margaret Adegbolagun on 21st December 1996 at Ikire, Osun state and the marriage is blessed with beautiful and wonderful children. He was ordained a Reverend in November 2007. Reverend Akinlolu Akintola is a play write, an author, an evangelist and a teacher of the word with practical examples. He has authored a book titled “Evangelism at this end-time”.


(April 2007 – October 2007): The Beginning of the Beginning

Before 2007 there were attempts to establish a branch of the Foursquare Church at Akobo area to serve the needs of Foursquare members leaving around this axis of Ibadan. One of such attempts was spearheaded by Pastor Olaide Olalere at St Paul Anglican Primary School, Yangbule-Bashorun area. The Church started through this attempt did not last long. Another abortive attempt was made at Reverend Olasunkanmi’s house. Reverend Olasunkanmi was formerly a Foursquare national officer.

The Founding Day: April 01, 2007

Globally, April 01 is a day proclaims as “April fool”. Observably, this is a day that is usually characterised with avalanche of lies and inordinate tricks and gimmicks. Arguably, no one would have thought, a great thing that seems small is taking place at Akobo axis of Lagelu Local Government of Ibadan. One would have thought why did the then Zonal Superintendent late Reverend G.O Akande selected a day such as April 01 (April Fool) as the Founding Day of a Church? Fundamentally, it is a considered opinion of a member of the Church that the day was chosen by providence to fool the Devil and its cohorts. So, while some people were busy fooling themselves around, something strategic and spiritual was taking place at Akobo.

On this historic day (April 01, 2007), the Church was inaugurated by the then Zonal Superintendent of Iyana Zone, Reverend Gabriel Olanrewaju Akande (of blessed memory). The only physical structure put in place was a shed; this was put in place by Iyana Zone. Evidently, there were still bushes around the compound. However, the congregation that gathered that day refused to be discouraged, the day was a day of fulfilment of vision and mandate.

Some equipment (drums, pulpit, PA system, etc) from Foursquare Bodija Church were given/transferred to the Church. A megaphone was also given by the Iyana zonal headquarters Church. Eighteen chairs were given by a Church on the platform of Iyana Zone. Premised on these, services commenced. At the beginning of the work, there was shortage of workforce; however, the few ones available were committed. It was in the midst of this that Evangelist Raheem Safiriyu, a Warrant Officer of the Nigerian Army came in during a service and decided to join the Church and her workforce.

October 2007 – October 2008: Moving on with the zeal

The Church was just six months old by October 2007at the beginning of this Church Year. The Church and her members participated in most of the zonal, district and national programmes. In January 2008, the Church observed the National Fasting and Prayer programme. This was a yearly programme observes by Foursquare Organization in Nigeria at the beginning of the year designed to spiritually prepare members for the challenges of the New Year. Also, 2008 Easter Programme was observed locally in the Church. It was a glorious time to remember the life, death and resurrection of Christ.

No doubt, the workload on each member was still enormous because of few workers in the vineyard. This formed part of the corporate prayers of the Church at this point in time. Consequently, at the beginning of this Church Year, a prayer project tagged “Operation One Family, One Month” was launched by Pastor Akinlolu Akintola. This was targeted at seeking the face of God for an additional family to the Church, that is, a family to be added each month. Without mincing words, testimonies abound to the faithfulness of God. For examples, the families of Evangelist Raheem and Adekanmbi are answered prayers.

Sunday Worship services were held weekly. Bible Study was held weekly on Wednesday by 5:30pm. The weekly Bible Study programme is an important arm of the teaching ministry of the Church. The Church as well as Foursquare Organization believes in the equipping of the saints through the teaching of the Holy Scripture. Indeed, the belief in the Holy Scripture is one of the 22 tenets of Faith of Foursquare Organization.

Likewise, Friday weekly prayer meetings were held. Significantly, first Fridays were tagged ‘Do It Yourself ’. The “Do It Yourself” prayer programme is designed in such a way that on every first Friday, members and worshippers enter the Church and begin to pour out their minds unto the Lord just like Hanna at Shiloh without waiting for the pastor or any other prayer leader to lead them in prayers. It is always an awesome time with opportunities to express oneself freely in the presence of the Lord while praying all manners of prayers as instructed by the Holy Scripture. Testimonies abound for what God is doing through this special programme. The programme is still being observed till date.

The first Church anniversary celebration was held on Sunday 27th July, 2008. The theme was “Be Glad & Rejoice: Phil 4:4”.  According to the founding Pastor, the first anniversary celebration was a glorious and challenging programme.

For a young Church you can imagine the daunting work of putting in place a choir and worship leaders having in mind that the music ministry is an important aspect of Christian ministry. Though, with shortage of man power, the choir was already in place and functioning to the glory of God. The choir led the Church in worship sessions during weekly services and Sunday services. Also, the choir participated in local, zonal and district programmes. By December 2007, the first Christmas Carol was held.

Though the Church started with just a youth/teen (Ayanfe Jesumbo) and five children, however by this Church year, the pastorate has put in place a combined unit for the youths and the teens. No doubt, this was done because of the few memberships of both the youths and the Hi-Crusaders. Historically, the first (Acting) Youth/Hi Crusaders President (in person of Sister Ayanfe Jesumbo) was appointed during the second Annual General Membership Meeting of the Church in October 2008. Youth Week 2008 was observed by the youths in the Church and Reverend James Olowobola ministered. It was a refreshing time for the youths, the Hi-Crusaders and the generality of the Church. There was a representative of the youths of the Church at the annual National Youth Camp (KC 2008).

By the second Church Year, the children unit was already functioning. Strategically, Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola, the wife of the pioneering pastor was appointed as the first (Acting) Children Co-ordinator. The children participated in the District Children Rally. Also, the Children’s Week was duly observed. There was also the existence of Children Sunday school class.

Fundamentally, the Sunday school department is very critical to the Foursquare Message. This is where new converts are equipped; workers are trained as workforce and for membership. Thus, from inception, the Pastor-in-Charge considered the department as very pivotal to the Church. During the Church Year, sister Ronke Akinbileje was appointed as the first (Acting) General Sunday School Superintendent (G.S.S.S.) at the second Annual General Membership Meeting.

By the second Church Year, there were three Sunday school classes (Adult Class, New Converts Class and the Children Class). Strategically, the New Converts Class was a Hausa Speaking Class. Sister A.O. Adekanmbi effectively took the class because of her grasp of the Hausa language. Significantly, members of the class were converts the Church got from the Odogbolu Army Barrack. Using the native language of these converts was tremendously useful for their understanding of the words of God.  Odogbolu Army Barrack located not too far from the Church has been one of the places within the Church community that God is using his Church to minister to. The Church is blessed with members from this barrack. These members include: Evangelist & Deaconess Raheem, Sister Fatimah & her family and Mr Ben Ivinegbor & his family.

A Sunday School Rally was held as part of the activities of the Sunday school department. It was a mind blowing experience in the presence of the Lord. It was a time for Sunday school students and their teachers to be examined for the study done so far. Evidently, it was a fruitful rally.

The Foursquare Women International (FWI), no doubt, is one of the significant arms of Foursquare Organization and it comprises of the women in the fold. For effective running of this important arm, the Founding Pastor appointed Sister A.O. Adekanmbi as the first (Acting) FWI President during the second Annual General Membership Meeting.  The women participated actively in various local, zonal, district and national programmes. Mothers’ Day was held by the women in the Church. The National June Women Rally was also attended by FWI members of the Church. In the same vein, the Big ‘M’ Day was held in the Church and during the celebration a member was accepted. The women supported the Church in the decoration of the Church building.

Significantly, the Church appointed her first Advisory Council. Also, the pioneering pastor, pastor Akin Akintola was ordained a reverend during the Church Year at the 2007 National Convention held in November 2007.

The Church lost an active worker, Evangelist (W.O.) Safuriani A. Raheem, on Sunday 20th April, 2008. This late brother joined this Church in her first year of existence. According to him, he was guided by the Holy Spirit to join the Church. He walked in during a service and from then henceforth, he became an active member. He did not mind his status as an Army officer; he was always involved in the cleaning of the Church and clearing of bushes within the compound of the Church. He also brought in his wife and children to join the Church. His wife, Deaconess became the first Choir Mistress and one of his children was a good drummer. As a matter of fact, Sunday Raheem was the first drummer of the Church. Evidently, the Church was bereaved with the demise of this beloved brother but was consoled with the fact that he has gone to rest in the Lord.

October 2008 – October 2009: Consolidating

The 2008/2009 Pastorate included: Reverend Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-Charge); Reverend Hanson Nyoh; Pastor Sesan Johnson; and Pastor Idowu Aremu. The 2008/2009 Church Advisory Council membership included: Reverend Akin Akintola (Chairman); Sister Adekanmbi (Secretary); Sister Ronke Akinbileje (Treasurer); Sister Titilade Akintola (member); Deaconess Deborah Raheem (member); Pastor Sesan Johnson (member); and Pastor Michael Idowu Aremu (member).

The Church officers for this Church Year were as follow: Reverend & Mrs Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Sister Adekanmbi (Secretary/FWI President); Sister Ronke Akinbileje (Treasurer/GSSS/Head Usher); Sister Titilade Akintola (Children Co-ordinator); Deaconess Deborah Raheem (Choir Mistress); Sister Ayanfe (Youth/Hi Crusader President); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Prayer Group Co-ordinator).

The Church and her members participated in most zonal, district and national programmes. In January 2009, the Church observed the National Fasting and Prayer programme. 2008 Easter Programme was observed. The weekly Sunday services were strictly observed. Bible Study services were held on Wednesdays by 5:30pm. In addition to the teachings conducted by the local pastorate, the Church also undergone series of teachings from invited guests such as Deacon (now a Pastor) Biodun Atanda and Brother Olumide Okeyode from the Zonal headquarters.

In addition to the three existing Sunday school classes (Adult Class, Baptismal Class, & the Children Class), the Sunday school department established an additional class for the Teens. The new class was targeted to specifically cater for the spiritual needs of the teenagers.

The weekly Friday prayers continued; first Friday’s operation “Do It Yourself” was still maintained; and Last Friday of the month Vigil was maintained. The special prayer project tagged “One Family, One Month” was sustained also during the Church Year.

For strategic spiritual warfare and intercession, a Prayer Warrior Group was inaugurated and Pastor Sesan Johnson was appointed by Reverend Akinlolu Akintola as the Prayer Warrior Group Co-ordinator. According to Pastor Sesan Johnson in his report for the Church Year, “the prayer group meets to pray and intercede on behalf of the Church, families in the Church, individuals, Akobo community, Ibadan city, Oyo state, Nigeria and the nations of the world”.
During the Church Year, the Second Anniversary Celebration of the Church was observed with a 3- day crusade at Akobo-Ojurin motor garage between Thursday 23rd and Saturday 25th April 2009. Pastor (now a Reverend and the ZS of Apata Zone) Biola Ogunwusi, the then District Mission Director was the guest minister. During the crusade, the Church showed a film (Jesus’ film). Reverend Hanson Nyoh supplied the film to the Church for free. The theme of the anniversary was “The Good News: Luke 2:14”.

In the pursuit of the Great Commission as commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 28, during this Church Year, the Church initiated a “Go Ye” Evangelism drive every second Sunday of the month the Church embarks on evangelism around the Church environs before the commencement of the Worship service.

The doors and louvers of the Church building were fitted and the interior plastering was done.  As part of the answers of the Church prayer project tagged “One Family, One Month”, Reverend Hanson Nyoh and Pastor Aremu and their families joined the Church during the Church Year. Notably, these are Foursquare’s families. Indeed, Reverend and Reverend (Mrs) Hanson Nyoh are long time children ministers in Foursquare Organization in Nigeria. Significantly, Reverend Hanson and Pastor Idowu Aremu immediately joined the Church Pastorate. No doubt, their addition was of tremendous blessings to the body of Christ.

Sister A.O. Adekanmbi, the FWI President continued to lead the women. The women participated actively in most local and zonal programmes, as well as in the District and National programmes. The women attended the Pre-Alabaster programme organized at the District headquarters Church, Oke-Bola. Likewise, Mothers’ Day was celebrated in the Church. Also, the National June Rally held at Ajebo camp was attended by the women. Significantly, the Church FWI initiated a Health & Personal Hygiene Programme for the Youth. It was an eye opening programme. It benefited not only the youths but the generality of the people of the Church. More also, the Church FWI participated actively in the Iyana zonal Evangelism Programme held at Erunmu. During the Big ‘M’ celebration held, two women were added and accepted to the FWI fold.

Fathers’ Day was observed by the men for the first time in the Church. Though, there was no functioning CFM unit in the Church, yet, the men presented two ceiling fans as gifts to the Church to commensurate the day.

Deaconess Deborah Raheem served during the Church Year as Choir Mistress. Though, the choristers were few in number, yet, they were active in all the local programmes of the Church as well as in most zonal and district programmes. To celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus in the Church, a Xmas Carol Service was held in December 2008.

The youth/Hi-Crusaders of the Church under the leadership of Sister Ayanfe Jesumbo continued to wax strong in the Lord. The youths held a ‘Get together’ programme which was tagged “I have a dream”. It was an awesome time in the presence of the Lord. It was an avenue to galvanize the youths of the Church in order to be more useful in the house of God and to develop unto maturity in Christ Jesus. Youth Week tagged “Remember now thy creator: Ecclesiastes 12:1” was held during the Church Year.

For proper positioning of the Church in this digital age, the Youth Crusaders with the support of Pastor Sesan Johnson opened an email address ( for the Church. Also, a quasi-website ( was designed for the Church. The email account and the websites are still being maintained and are still functioning.

The mummy of the house, Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola was still the Children Co-ordinator during this Church Year. The children participated in local, zonal and district children programmes. Children’s Day was observed in May.  The children attended the Children Camp Meeting organized by the Rescue Mission Ministry. One of the children of the Church participated in ‘Draw the Sword” and she came first.  Another got the ‘Best Behaved Boy’ award. Four children were added to the Church (Tobi Aremu, Itunu Aremu, Testimony Aremu, and Peace Aremu).

The Church acquired a wireless microphone and a cord microphone. A member donated a generating set to the Church.

October 2009 – October 2010: On Eagle’s Wing

The 2009/2010 Pastorate included: Reverend Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-Charge); Reverend Hanson Nyoh; Pastor Sesan Johnson; and Pastor Idowu Aremu. Members of 2009/2010 Church Advisory Council were: Reverend Akin Akintola (Chairman); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi; Sister R. Akinbileje; Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola; Deaconess Deborah Raheem; and Pastor Idowu Aremu.

The Church officers for the Church Year were as follow: Reverend & Mrs Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary/Prayer Group); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi (Treasurer/FWI President); Sister Ronke Akinbileje (GSSS/Head Usher); Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola (Children Co-ordinator); and Deaconess Deborah Raheem (Choir Mistress).

Generally, the Church observed all the programmes as laid down by the Foursquare Organization. According to documented statements of the Pastor-in-Charge, all National, District and Zonal programmes take precedent over the local programmes. As a matter of fact, he would say, National programmes are superior to District programmes and District programmes are superior to Zonal programmes, while the Zonal programmes are also superior to local Church programmes. Indeed, he ensures that the pastorate and all the sectional leaders adhere to this principle.

National Fasting and Prayer programme was observed in January 2010. Easter Programme was held in April 2010. Sunday and Weekly services were held. The 3rd Church Anniversary did not hold due to prevailing situation of the Church. Monthly Evangelism was observed for all the months. Fathers’ Day was observed.

Pastors and Pastors’ wives forum (Pastoral Retreat) was initiated and held in August, 2010. Reverend & Pastor (Mrs) Akinlolu Akintola, Pastor & Mrs Idowu Aremu and Pastor & Mrs Sesan Johnson participated in this maiden edition of Pastor & Pastors’ wives forum of the local assembly. It was an interactive session, combined with strategic prayers for the couples, the children, the family and their ministry. It was an opportunity to pray for the Church. No doubt, the forum also serves as an avenue for increasing the cordial relationship among the ministers and their wives. Participants were glad that the programme was instituted by Reverend Akinlolu Akintola. In fact, one of the participants, Pastor Idowu Aremu stated that the forum was timely and demanded that it should be sustained.  It was a refreshing time in the Lord.

The Choir was still being led by Deaconess Deborah. The choir was active throughout the year. They participated in Zonal, and District programmes. The choir was active during the 2010 District Convocation held at Oke Bola District headquarters Church. Xmas Carol was held in December 2009 locally. Other choristers from Foursquare Churches within Iyana zone and other Churches within the Church neighbourhood were invited for ministration. It was a joyful time in the Lord celebrating the birth of Christ.

The Church FWI President (Sister A.O Adekanmbi) was appointed Iyana Zonal FWI President. More women were added to the FWI fold. Pre-Alabaster programme held at the Oke Bola District headquarters Church was attended by some of the women in the Church. Mothers’ Day was observed in the Church. The National Women Annual Convention (June Rally) held at Ajebo camp was attended. The Big ‘M’ Day was held and three women were accepted into the FWI fold.

A local Women Fellowship was initiated. It is a rotational fellowship among the women. This fellowship is usually hosted in a woman’s home and it was designed to increase the cordiality among the women in the Church. Also, it was meant to facilitate fervent prayers for the women folks and for the Church. So far, it has been fruitful. During the Church Year, two women (Sister Taiwo Aremu and Sister Oyebola Johnson) were blessed with children.

Still under the leadership of Sister Ayanfe, the youths and the teens participated in the Zonal, District and National programmes. The Annual Youth Camp (KC 2010) was attended by some of the youths. The 2010 Youth Week was observed locally in the Church. Also, the youths participated actively in the zonal youth vigils.

The children participated in Zonal, District and National programmes. 2010 Children’s Day was observed. The children participated in the District children programme held at Oke-Bola District headquarters Church on May 27th, 2010. The Children Week was celebrated locally on May 29, 2010. Also, the children participated in an inter-denominational children camping programme held at Igbo Oloyin, Ojoo, Ibadan. During the year, there was a demand for the building of the Children’s Church and the Pastor-in-Charge promised to look into that request.

The Ushering Unit under the leadership of Sister Ronke Akinbileje participated in the seminar held at the District headquarters. The ushers participated in Zonal Usher’s Week held at the Zonal headquarters.
The Senior Pastor (Reverend Akinlolu Akintola) observed that much work was not done on the Church building during the Church Year; nevertheless, it was properly maintained. The Church toilet was completed for the comfort of the worshippers. The Church acquired a PHCN Meter which was facilitated by Sister Oyebola Johnson. A dozen of chairs were purchased.

October 2010 – June 2011: Occupy Till I Come

A new policy from the National Office of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria, restructure the Foursquare Church Year. Henceforth, the church year begins in July. Thus, this Church Year was abruptly truncated and it lasted just for eight months. Though, it was a challenging change, yet, the Church adjusted and adapted to this National directive.

2010/2011 Pastorate included Reverend Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Reverend Hanson Nyoh; Pastor Sesan Johnson and Pastor Idowu Aremu. The Church officers (2010/2011) were Reverend & Mrs Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary); Pastor Idowu Aremu (Prayer Group); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi (Treasurer/FWI President); Sister Ronke Akinbileje (GSSS/Head Usher); Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola (Children Co-ordinator); Deaconess Deborah Raheem (Choir Mistress); and Sister Ayanfe (Youth/Hi Crusader President)

2010/2011 Advisory Council of the Church included: Reverend Akin Akintola (Chairman); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi; Sister R. Akinbileje; Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola; Deaconess Deborah Raheem; and Pastor Idowu Aremu.

Conventionally, all the Zonal, District and National programmes were observed by the Church. National Fasting & Prayer programme was observed in January 2011. Sunday and Weekly services were held as scheduled. The 4th Church Anniversary was celebrated with an evangelistic outreach to Abaa Egba within the Lagelu Local Government area of Ibadan and was concluded with a thanksgiving service. The celebration was between Friday, May 20 to Sunday, May 22, 2011 with the theme “Crown of Glory: Isaiah 62:3”. Pastor Idowu Aremu served as the Chairman of the Anniversary Committee.

The Mission outreach during the anniversary was an eye opener for the Church towards the lost souls. Most members slept on the mission field. The village head on behalf of the village welcomed the Church. A vigil was held and evangelism was carried out. An open air crusade was executed in the village with Pastor Idowu Aremu, Pastor Sesan Johnson and Reverend Akinlolu Akintola ministering. The Choir also ministered. There were testimonies. In fact, a known herbalist in the village gave his life to Christ.

Speaking to the Church members on the mission field, Reverend Akinlolu Akintola declared the outreach is a missionary work to populate the kingdom of God and depopulate the kingdom of the Devil. He encouraged Church members that though the local Church needed to increase in numbers, however, they should never mind that the mission outreach may not be able to achieve since it is very far from the local assembly, however, it will bring glory to almighty God.

The Monthly Evangelism outreach was observed during the Church Year except for some Sundays. Fathers’ Day was observed. Family Fellowship was inaugurated and some families hosted the Church during the year. The Church building was maintained. Concerning the maintenance of the Church building and acquisition of useful tools in the Church, the Senior Pastor appreciated members for their unrepentant acts of giving.

The Children’s Church building demanded during the last Church Year was started and the Senior Pastor stated that by the grace of God it would be completed during the year. The Pastor’s office was started. The Senior Pastor charged the Council of Foursquare Men (CFM) to be aggressive in completing the Pastor’s office. The Senior Pastor opined that the office is very germane for smooth and effective administration of the Church.

Existing Sunday school classes were maintained during the year however, it was observed that attendance is declining and that students usually came late. The General Sunday School Superintendent attended a seminar at the District headquarters.

The Church FWI President was still the Iyana Zonal FWI President. Pre-Alabaster programme was attended. Mothers’ Day was observed in the Church.  The National Women Annual Convention (June Rally) was attended by some FWI members. Big ‘M’ Day was held. Three women were accepted into the FWI fold. The women participated in the Village Mission of the Church held during the Anniversary. A Health Seminar was held for all members of the Church by the FWI.

The youths and the teens participated in the Zonal, District and National programmes. KC 2011 was attended by the youths. Youth Week was observed. The children participated in Zonal, District and National programmes. 2011 Children’s Day was observed. The children participated in the District children programme held at Oke-Bola on May 27th, 2011. Children Week was celebrated locally. The children participated in an inter-denominational children camp programme held at Igbo Oloyin, Ojoo, Ibadan.

July 2011 – June 2012: Un-usual Capacity

The Church officers (2011/2012) were as follow: Reverend & Mrs Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary); Pastor Idowu Aremu (CFM President/Mission & Evangelism); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi (Treasurer/FWI President); Sister Ronke Akinbileje (GSSS/Head Usher);  Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola (Children Co-ordinator); Deaconess Deborah Raheem (Choir Mistress); and Brother George (Youth/Hi Crusader President).

2011/2012 Advisory Council included: Reverend Akin Akintola (Chairman); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi; Sister R. Akinbileje; Sister Titilade Akintola; Deaconess Deborah Raheem; and Pastor Idowu Aremu. 2011/2012 Pastorate were: Reverend Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Reverend Hanson Nyoh; Pastor Sesan Johnson and Pastor Idowu Aremu.

National Fasting & Prayer programme was observed in January 2012. Sunday and Weekly services were held as scheduled. The existing Sunday school classes were maintained during the Church Year. Sunday School Rally was held. The Monthly Evangelism outreach was observed during the Church Year except for some Sundays. The GSSS attended a seminar at the District headquarters. The Council of Foursquare Men was inaugurated this year and Pastor Idowu Aremu was appointed as the president.  Fathers’ Day was observed. Home Alive Fellowships were held.

The works on the Pastor’s office were still on-going. The interior of the Church was painted and little decoration was added. Importantly, the painting was done by one of the assisting pastors, Pastor Idowu Aremu. Without argument, this is a good example that was laid by the Senior Pastor (Reverend Akinlolu Akintola) and it is being emulated by the pastorate and members. According to the current Church Secretary “the Senior Pastor can be regarded as the foreman of the Church. As he is involved the clearing of the Church environs, he will be doing electric work and at the same time he will be doing some bricklaying job. No doubt, the Senior Pastor is rugged and I am seriously learning the rudiments of Church planting from him. It was through him I learn learnt that pastoring a Church, especially beginning a Church is more than preaching on the pulpit.”

The 5th Church Anniversary was celebrated. Members of the 5th Church Anniversary were: Pastor Sesan Johnson (Chairman); Mrs Adekanmbi A.O.; Deaconess Raheem Deborah; Mrs Amos; Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola; Brother Vincent George; and Sister Esther Akintola.  The anniversary was held between Thursday 26th and Sunday 29th April 2012 with the theme: “Unusual Capacity”. It started with an Indoor Revival which covered the first two days. A Youth Conference was held on Saturday’s morning at the Church auditorium with the topic: “Unusual Capacity: Davidic Experience” with Reverend Kunle Oloyede as the guest minister. The evening of that Saturday was dedicated for a film show titled “Ogo To Sunkun” at the space outside the Church besides the main road. The 5th Anniversary Celebration ended with a thanksgiving service on Sunday with Reverend (Prof) Agbede as the Guest Minster.

Pre-Alabaster programme was attended. Mothers’ Day was observed in the Church. Women Annual Convention (June Rally) was attended in June. Big ‘M’ Day was held. Three women were accepted into the FWI fold. A Health Seminar was held for all members of the Church.

The youths and the teens participated in the Zonal, District and National programmes. KC 2011 was attended by the youths. Youth Week was observed. The children participated in Zonal, District and National programmes. 2011 Children’s Day was observed. The children participated in the District children programme held at Oke-Bola on May 27th, 2012. Children Week was celebrated locally. The children participated in the inter-denominational children camping programme held at Igbo Oloyin, Ojoo, Ibadan.

July 2012 - June 2013: The End of Akinlolu Years

The Church officers (2011/2012) were as follow: Reverend & Mrs Akinlolu Akintola (Pastor-in-charge); Pastor Sesan Johnson (Secretary/GSSS); Brother Peter Dosu (CFM President); Sister A.O. Adekanmbi (Treasurer/FWI President); Sister Ronke Akinbileje (Music/Head Usher); Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola (Children Co-ordinator); and Sister Omolaraeni Lasisi (Youth/Hi Crusader President).

Evangelist Michael Idowu Aremu and his family were transferred to Foursquare Gospel Church, Olorunda-Abaa as an acting pastor of the Church. The re-deployment of this minister post serious challenge to the Church. He is a man that has serious drive for evangelism and prayers. More also, his first son was a skilled and talented drummer. In fact, he is the only drummer of the Church. Evidently, as at the time of writing this book, the Church has not been able to fill the gap left behind by the talented drummer, though, concerted efforts are being put in place to train the likes of Adekanmbi Adeleke and Brother Peter Dosu. On the transfer of Evangelist Idowu Aremu, the senior pastor remarked that he takes solace in the fact that his re-deployment is for more work in the vineyard of God. He further pointed that at the right time, the Lord of harvest will give His Church good replacement for the minister and members of his family 

Significantly, the family of Reverend Isaac Folarin was transferred from Foursquare Gospel Church, Agboowo to Chapel of Faith. Hence, Reverend Isaac Folarin and Pastor (Mrs) Deborah Folarin joined the pastorate. Reverend Isaac Folarin is an ordained minister of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria. He had been in charge of Churches in Maiduguri and Bodija. Before joining Chapel of Faith, he was an assisting pastor at Agboowo Church. From the Church records, it was found that the Church has been expecting their arrival for almost a year after there have been an official pronouncement of their transfer from Agboowo Church. Reasons for the delay in their deployment were far fetching. However, upon their arrival, the family has been a great addition to the Church.

The Church adhered strictly to all her local, zonal, district and national programmes. The ceiling (PVC) of the Church was started and completed. According to the senior pastor (Reverend Akintola Akinlolu), the initial cash that was used to kick start the PVC project was a gift from a member of the Church. Strategically, the Church/Pastor office was put in place.

More works were done on the lightings of the Church and the public address system of the Church. Three microphone stands were purchased to augment the performance of the choir.

Two members of the Church, Deaconess A.O. Adekanmbi and Pastor Sesan Johnson served as members of the Inauguration Committee for Lagelu Missionary Zone. Coupled with this, this duo served in Zonal Rally Committee of Iyana Zone. Six of the Church’s choir: Mrs Akinbileje, sister Omolaraeni, Ronke Adekanmbi, Esther Akintola, Folarin Marvellous and Marvellous Ivinegbor were part of the Zonal Choir that ministered during the inauguration of the zone. In addition, two members of the Church – Pastor Sesan Johnson (Zonal Youth Minister) and Reverend Isaac Folarin (Zonal Treasurer) are now members of the Zonal Council.
During the Church Year, a special prayer programme tagged ‘Possess Your Possession’ was initiated. The programme holds every last day of the month. According to feedback from Church members and the coordinator of the programme, God has been answering prayers of participants on a monthly basis.

Fundamentally, in line with the spirit of decade of multiplicity, Iyana Zone was delineated into three zones (Iyana zone, Iwo Missionary zone and Lagelu Missionary zone). Consequently, this Church falls within Lagelu Missionary zone and by extension into the newly created district (Shalom District). Remember, Shalom District is one of the three newly created districts out of the former Ibadan District. Other districts are Molete and Sango Districts.

With the creation of Lagelu Missionary Zone, consequently, the Pioneering Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo/Ojurin – Reverend Akinlolu Akintola was appointed and installed as the Pioneering Zonal Superintendent of the zone. Thus, this led to his automatic transferred to the Olodo Church, the zonal headquarters. With this, Reverend Isaac Folarin was installed as the Senior Pastor of the Church in July 2013, thereby signalling the end of Akintola Akinlolu’s era. To God be the glory, honour and praises.

History @ a glance

  •   The Founding Day: April 01, 2007 
  •   “Operation One Family, One Month” was launched by Pastor Akinlolu Akintola  in 2008 
  • ‘Do It Yourself ’ prayer programme was launched in 2008 
  •  The first Church Anniversary Celebration was held on Sunday 27th July, 2008. The theme was “Be Glad & Rejoice: Phil 4:4”.  
  • By December 2007, the first Christmas Carol was held. 
  •  The first (Acting) Youth/Hi Crusaders President (in person of Sister Ayanfe Jesumbo) was appointed during the second Annual General Membership Meeting of the Church in October 2008. 
  •  Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola, the wife of the pioneering pastor was appointed as the first (Acting) Children Co-ordinator. 
  •  Sister Ronke Akinbileje was appointed as the first (Acting) General Sunday School Superintendent (G.S.S.S.) at the second Annual General Membership Meeting. 
  •  Sister A.O. Adekanmbi as the first (Acting) FWI President during the second Annual General Membership Meeting. 
  •  The pioneering pastor, pastor Akin Akintola was ordained a Reverend during the Church Year at the 2007 National Convention. 
  •  The Church lost an active worker, Evangelist (W.O.) Safuriani A. Raheem, on Sunday 20th April, 2008. 
  •  Sunday Raheem was the first drummer of the Church. 
  •  The Church appointed her first Advisory Council during the Oct 2007- Oct 2008 Church Year. 
  •  In 2008, a Prayer Warrior Group was inaugurated and Pastor Sesan Johnson was appointed by Reverend Akinlolu Akintola as the Prayer Warrior Group Co-ordinator. 
  •  The Second Anniversary Celebration of the Church was observed with a 3- day crusade at Akobo-Ojurin motor garage between Thursday 23rd and Saturday 25th April 2009. Pastor (now a Reverend and the ZS of Apata Zone) Biola Ogunwusi, the then District Mission Director was the guest minister. The theme of the anniversary was “The Good News: Luke 2:14”. 
  •  During the Oct 2008 – Oct 2009 Church Year the Church initiated a “Go Ye” Evangelism drive every second Sunday of the month. 
  •  In Oct 2008 –Oct 2009 Church Year, the Church FWI initiated a Health & Personal Hygiene Programme for the Youth. 
  •  In Oct 2008 –Oct 2009 Church Year  Fathers’ Day was observed by the men for the first time in the Church 
  •  Pastors and Pastors’ wives forum (Pastoral Retreat) was initiated and held in August, 2010. 
  •  During the Oct 2009 – Oct 2010 Church Year, the Church FWI President (Sister A.O Adekanmbi) was appointed the Iyana Zonal FWI President. 
  •  During the Oct 2009 – Oct 2010 Church Year, a local Women Fellowship was initiated. 
  •  The 4th Church Anniversary was celebrated with an evangelistic outreach to Abaa Egba within the Lagelu Local Government area of Ibadan and was concluded with a thanksgiving service. The celebration was between Friday, May 20 to Sunday, May 22, 2011 with the theme “Crown of Glory: Isaiah 62:3”. Pastor Idowu Aremu served as the Chairman of the Anniversary Committee. 
  •  July 2011 – June 2012, The Council of Foursquare Men was inaugurated this year and Pastor Idowu Aremu was appointed as the president. 
  •  The 5th Church Anniversary was celebrated. Members of the 5th Church Anniversary were: Pastor Sesan Johnson (Chairman); Mrs Adekanmbi A.O.; Deaconess Raheem Deborah; Mrs Amos; Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola; Brother Vincent George; and Sister Esther Akintola.  The anniversary was held between Thursday 26th and Sunday 29th April 2012 with the theme: “Unusual Capacity”. It started with an Indoor Revival which covered the first two days. A Youth Conference was held on Saturday’s morning at the Church auditorium with the topic: “Unusual Capacity: Davidic Experience” with Reverend Kunle Oloyede as the guest minister. The 5th Anniversary Celebration ended with a thanksgiving service on Sunday with Reverend (Prof) Agbede as the Guest Minster. 
  •  During the July 2012 –June 2013 Church Year, Evangelist Michael Idowu Aremu and his family were transferred to Foursquare Gospel Church, Olorunda-Abaa as an acting pastor of the Church and Significantly, the family of Reverend Isaac Folarin was transferred from Foursquare Gospel Church, Agboowo to Chapel of Faith. Hence, Reverend Isaac Folarin and Pastor (Mrs) Deborah Folarin joined the pastorate. 
  •  Also, two members of the Church, Deaconess A.O. Adekanmbi and Pastor Sesan Johnson served as members of the Inauguration Committee for Lagelu Missionary Zone. Coupled with this, this duo served in Zonal Rally Committee of Iyana Zone. Six of the Church’s choir: Mrs Akinbileje, sister Omolaraeni, Ronke Adekanmbi, Esther Akintola, Folarin Marvellous and Marvellous Ivinegbor were part of the Zonal Choir that ministered during the inauguration of the zone. In addition, two members of the Church – Pastor Sesan Johnson (Zonal Youth Minister) and Reverend Isaac Folarin (Zonal Treasurer) are now members of the Zonal Council. 
  •  During the Church Year, a special prayer programme tagged ‘Possess Your Possession’ was initiated. The programme holds every last day of the month. With the creation of Lagelu Missionary Zone, consequently, the Pioneering Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church, Akobo/Ojurin – Reverend Akinlolu Akintola was appointed and installed as the Pioneering Zonal Superintendent of the zone. Thus, this led to his automatic transferred to the Olodo Church, the zonal headquarters. 
  •  Reverend Isaac Folarin was installed as the Senior Pastor of the Church in July 2013, thereby signalling the end of Akintola Akinlolu’s era.

The Pastorate:

Pastor Michael Idowu Aremu

Pastor Michael Idowu Aremu before joining the Akobo/Ojurin Church has been part of Molete and Oke-Bola Church. He joined the Church together with his wife and children. He is an evangelist by calling and he is likewise called into the prayer ministry. Upon joining the Church, he was active in the Mission & Evangelism department and prayer ministry. He was also a member of the Pastorate and the Church Advisory Council. Together with his family he had been transferred to Olorunda-Abaa Church, he served as the Zonal Evangelist of Iyana Zone and currently, he is the District Evangelist of Shalom District, Ibadan.

Reverend and Pastor (Mrs) Hanson

Reverend and Pastor (Mrs) Hanson have been active members/minsters of Foursquare Gospel Church for years. They were at a time members of Ikorodu Church under the leadership of Reverend (Mrs) Florence Oluwasanmi – the first lady-pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria. Upon moving to Ibadan, the couple and their family continue to serve the Lord under the umbrella of Foursquare Church. Significantly, the couple have a strong calling in the areas of children ministry. They have a Children Ministry that caters for spiritual well-beings of children and teenagers. In 2008, the couple joined Akobo/Ojurin Church and immediately, they have been active in the pastorate and in the children arm of the Church. Till date, they are still part of the Church.

Pastor Sesan Michael Johnson
Pastor Sesan Michael Johnson was born into the Foursquare Gospel Church, at the Ikorodu Zonal headquarters Church (now Ikorodu I District): 7- 8 Sunday Adebanjo street, Aruna, Ikorodu. Together with his wife and daughter, he joined Akobo/Ojurin Church in 2008 Church Year. He has special callings in the areas of Youth/Teens Ministry, Internet Evangelism, Teachings and Prayer Ministry. Upon joining the Church, he has served in the pastorate, evangelism & mission unit and Youths & Teens Ministry. He is presently the Senior Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church, His Grace Arena, Ogidi Quarters, Ibadan, Nigeria. Coupled with these, he is presently, the Christian Education Minister of Olodo Missionary Zone.

Reverend & Pastor (Mrs) Isaac Folarin
Reverend Isaac Folarin is an ordained minister of Foursquare Gospel Church. He had served as a minister in Maiduguri Church and Bodija Church. He also served as an assisting pastor at Agboowo Church under Reverend Tayo A. Adegbola and Pastor Segun Adekola. He joined Akobo/Ojurin Church with his family in 2013. He served briefly as an assisting pastor under the pioneering pastor (Reverend Akintola). In July 2013, he became the Senior Pastor of Akobo/Ojurin Church. He is currently the Zonal Treasurer of Lagelu Missionary Zone.
Pastor (Mrs) Deborah Iyabo Folarin is an amiable assistant in ministry to her husband. She has a unique calling in the prayer and prophetic ministries. She is a gift to the body of Christ.

A Clarion Call!
Why history? Why writing the history of a Church? Of what value is history? In order to understand where we are going, we need to understand where we came from. This is the value of history in general. Knowing your trajectory allows you to understand yourself better, to put your experience in the proper perspective. What then is the value of the history of a Church?  Without history of the Church, Christian theology becomes theoretical rather than practical. Christianity is first and foremost the acts of God in time - and ultimately in Christ - more than its morality, doctrinal formulations, or a worldview.

Engaging history of a Church provides perspective on the Church’s interaction with surrounding culture and communities. Telling the story of a local Church - how it came to be and how it has grown and changed over the years - is always a worth-while task. If no one ever stops to remember ‘what happened’ way back, the congregation has lost a valuable piece of its identity and how it has managed to circumvent the varied complexities and challenges faced. Once the memory is gone, it is all but impossible to recover. And certainly in many Churches, long memories can sometimes block much-needed change.

Unfortunately, many modern people often think of history as a luxury, or a hobby for certain people with extra time on their hands, or an aptitude for remembering names and dates. But truly knowing and understanding your story is never a luxury. It tells you not just where you came from, but who you are and where you are headed. In fact, it is helpful to think of the local Church historian’s task as a research into a congregation’s DNA, and its particular personality. No doubt, the present-day character of a local Church often has deep historical roots.

Some of the fundamental questions that often arise when writing the history of a Church are: Was the Church formed as a result of a missionary effort, perhaps beginning life as a struggling act of faith? Or what is it a result of a protest or an opposition to a particular set of theological ideas or a denominational action? As it is true with people, early circumstances do not completely determine what a Church will become, but they can certainly set the agenda for what follows, often in subtle and surprising ways.

Fundamentally, I am advocating for serious efforts in documenting the history of churches. This will go a long way in the understanding of the past & present challenges, achievements, moves of God, etc. Importantly, trained historians should be contacted in order to have a thorough and professional work.

Reference & Sources:

  • ·        Oral interviews (Reverend Akinlolu Akintola, Mrs. Aderonke Akinbileje, Pastor (Mrs) Titilade Akintola etc)

  • ·        Church Records

  • ·        Church Secretary’s records

  • ·        Minutes book of Church Advisory Council

  • ·        Annual General Membership Meeting booklets

  • ·        Lagelu Missionary Zone Inauguration programme booklet

  • ·        Shalom Missionary District Inauguration programme booklet

  • ·        Seminar paper presented by Reverend Rasaq Akinwale at Shalom District headquarters Church in 2013 titled: “Historical Perspective and the Organogram of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria”.